Foliar - Thin Line Logo fonts from - (gsomh)

Foliar is thin line uppercase font with floral motives. The typeface includes Decorative and Symbol versions. To get an elegant and unique design, combine letters with symbols. The font is easy to use in various design programs or without any program.
Foliar is suitable for feminine business branding, eco-friendly and minimalistic art, social media design. The font works great for craft products branding and packaging (organic cosmetics and food, jewelry, floristics, handmade soap ect.) Also use individual letters and symbols to create logos and monograms. "Foliar" combines well with modern graphics: abstract shapes and line art.
The font has extensive language support, it includes English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Estonian, Turkish. Need to know if your language is supported? Type any words in the text box below and see if all characters you need are there.
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